Prof Dr. Henrique Braitt - Endodontia

28 de jul. de 2013

Banca do aluno Tharcísio Mendonça

Especialização em Endodontia da FUNORTE/Ilhéus. Bancas de alunos da Turma 2

Queremos parabenizar os alunos Georgia Machado, Daniel Souza Campos, Tharcísio Mendonça Matos, Camila Almeida Andrade, Christiany Martins Lopes Machado e Ana Grasiela da Silva Limoeiro. Participaram das Bancas os Professores: Ingrid de Freitas Villela, Alexandre Mascarenhas Villela, Evaldo Almeida Rodrigues, Fábio Silveira de Souza, Gladyvam Rabêlo Braitt e Antônio Henrique Braitt

25 de jul. de 2013

Revista RSBO - Artigo produzido no Curso de Especialização em Endodontia da FUNORTE/Ilhéus


Electronic version: 1984-5685

RSBO. 2013 Apr-Jun;10(2):143-8

Evaluation of active chlorine releasing of sodium hypochlorite during seven days, stored at different temperatures

Gladyvam Rabêlo Braitt


Evaldo de Almeida Rodrigues


Carlos Eduardo da Silveira Bueno


Antonio Henrique Braitt


Corresponding author:

Gladyvam Rabêlo Braitt

Av. Aziz Maron, n. 1.117, sala 703 – Jardim União

CEP 45605-415 – Itabuna – BA – Brasil



Program of Specialization in Endodontics of the Institute of Health Sciences, Funorte/Soebras, Núcleo Ilhéus – Ilhéus – BA – Brazil.


São Leopoldo Mandic Center of Post-Graduation – Campinas – SP – Brazil.

Received for publication: November 5, 2012. Accepted for publication: December 14, 2012.



The sanitation of the canal system through irrigation/aspiration, at the changing of the endodontic instruments aims to the excised material, removal of microorganisms and the cleaning of the walls of the canals. One of the substances used in endodontic treatment of root canals, sodium hypochlorite, used at different concentrations of active chlorine and pH, has gained popularity due to its physical chemical properties. Objective: To analyze the active chlorine content of sodium hypochlorite solution at 6.0%. Material and methods: 80 samples were obtained from two litres of sodium hypochlorite at 6%, obtained at every hour: one liter was stored at room temperature and one liter at refrigerated environment, between the morning and afternoon shifts, except on Saturday and Sunday. The free residual chlorine was determined, using as variables: the temperature, length of time in storage and the handling of the substance in the Endodontic clinic for seven days. The data obtained were submitted to analysis of variance according to the linear regression model to test the effect of time of storage condition and interaction between the main effects on the chlorine content of the


Endodontics; sodium hypochlorite; irrigating substances.

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